Friday, April 20, 2012

Final Design

So taking what I had I wanted to add a bit of something to it. I took the out the original motto and re-added it with an embossed look and colored the text grey. Using the paintbrush that I had downloaded earlier, I added a layer and used splotches around the whole layer and made it opaque for a red grimy feel. I also add a bit of "spatter" to the hand to give it more of a pressed hand the screen look.

I change the original definition a bit to subtly put (See God) right above the top of my head. At the bottom I added text to give it a gamer type feel. The text was done with an inner glow adjusted so that the GG was outlined but not filled in. I wanted to achieve the split up text look. For those of you who don't know what GG is, it is gamer lingo for Good Game. In the very right hand corner I added a mini slogan Be Anonymous. 

Ah, My indecisiveness astounds me. I scraped my original and created this. I used a brick background from a picture and applied a plaster filter to it.  I took another picture of myself and used the magic wand but let it only pic out select portions of it. I applied a paintbrush layer behind it to give it an almost fading in type effect. I used the magic wand to piece together my hand and the apple, even though you can't really tell its an apple. I put in an old road side I had a picture of an redecorated it with the burn brush and several different colors. I put text on the sign to imply a your not welcome type feel to it with a bit of comic taste. I gave the sign a shadow to give it more of a three dimensional feel. Towards the bottom, I made text in Illustrator and tried to make it so that the text played off the sign aka. "Want to own Charlie?" Lastly, I put GA in the corner. 

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