Monday, March 4, 2013

New Media Tool that can fuel a non-gamer POV

When writing my case study there was something that I didn't mention however in a way still is along the same lines. A huge new media tool that is utilized in the gaming world is online video. A gamer can record game play from any game they play assuming that they have the right recording device to do so and they post this online for other "gamers" to see. This tool is YouTube. There is a large following to online gaming news outlets like IGN, Machinima, Dtoid, and Rev3 Games just to name a few. This news channels so to speak are loaded with game play footage taken from the video game companies themselves or even going as far as user submitted material. This footage can contain anything that even seems relative to the gaming genre. On the same token this media is view-able to everyone that has access to YouTube. There are no restrictions when it comes to viewing this videos. The videos can be grotesque and also can be very humorous. This types of videos need to be taken as just that. People that are unfamiliar with what YouTube has to offer can be intimidated by this media outlet almost going as far as saying "...this is the prime contributor to the violence that is plaguing this country." This comes from a friend of the family that still owns a rotary phone so none the less he is a bit outdated with technology. This just goes to show you that people that do not understand the technology and media that is in front of them are scared of it and easily blame it for the problems we have today.

The reason I say that this is comparable is because essentially YouTube is online TV but just in shorter and smaller doses. On YouTube a viewer can view exactly what they want to view without all of the extra fluff that comes with watching TV aka commercials. We all hate commercials, except for those really really funny ones, those we can keep.

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