Monday, March 4, 2013

Case Study on Violent Media

            For the longest time violent video gaming has been a crutch for most arguments when it comes to a violent outbreak somewhere in our country. Not a lot of people really understand the concept that is this media. Most of the time the media that I am discussing, has the most detrimental effect when displayed through televisions or computer monitors which in this case is the medium being used. Video games are electronic games that involve a human interaction with a user interface (sometimes referred as GUI; graphical user interface) to generate some sort of visual feedback on the device. These electronic games have been around for almost 40 years but as our technology evolved over time they are just now starting to cause a controversy.
            Why are they just now causing this common controversy which is that they can cause addiction and potentially lead to or cause violent behavior? A prime example of this would be an article about a crime committed by Jacob Hartley while playing video games. His son was crying and “interrupted” his play session and he shook the baby to make the 3 week old boy stop. This kind of incident is prime material for advocacy groups such as MAVAV (Mothers against Videogame Addiction and Violence.) There are other groups out there that are back by politicians to further support the restriction of violent video games. Also, there have been studies done on the effects of violent video games. One such study in 2004 led to evidence showing that video game violence exposure was related to a wide array of aggression (for ex, verbal aggression, moderate physical aggression and violent behaviors). However, no one research study is conclusive and finds definitive results stated Hal Halpin. I believe the reason why this sudden urge for an answer is happening now is because we as a society are changing into a culture that we are unsure of. Older parents now are growing out of sync with current generation media. What’s a better scapegoat to blame the lack of parental know how then one that we do not understand? The answer is there is none. This is the best they have. There are studies that
            With the expansion of technology and rise of the video gaming community more and more cases of who’s to blame with arise. People need to understand that video games are not the culprit here yet there is something greater at fault here. There are also studies that show the beneficial effects of video games like surgeons playing video games three hours a week decreases mistakes by 37 percent. This goes to show you that it can have great hand eye coordination building skills. Why isn't this ever brought up? Sadly, it is because at the end of the day it is easier to blame something for problems rather than take responsibility.


TELEVISION GAMING APPARATUS AND METHOD. FPO IP Research & Communities. 2004-2013. 23 Feb 2013.

Video Game Addiction and Violence in Underground Video Game Cultures.MAVAV. 2002-2006. 23 Feb    2013.

Violent Video Games: The Effects on Youth, and Public Policy Implications. Handbook of Children, Culture and Violence. 2006. 23 Feb 2013.

Surgeons may err less by playing video games. Games on 2004. 23 Feb 2013

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