Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Secondary Design Tool

In information we need to utilize many tools to be successful and maintain the interest of the party we are doing the project for. These tools can vary from something very simple like the SQVID tool that I previously talked about to some version of a concept map. Concept maps in whole can allow someone to help generate ideas, easily manipulate complex structures such as in-depth websites, help combine older ideas with newer ones, as well as help walk someone through the understanding of the main concept and whats stems from it.

Above is an example of a negotiation concept and its inner workings. The map allows you to see things clearly without losing the key point behind each stem or leaf. Something like this is similar to a stem and leaf plot from Math. The only issue that I see with something like this is that you do not want the information as a whole to overpower the main thought by having or expressing too much information. The whole purpose of information design is to make it presentable and understandable to the client. Concepts are a great tool to help to do that.

As far as using this in a blog/my blog, it's implication is actually built in to the design tool. You as the user choose how to setup the blog and rearrange it according to how you like it and how you think people will like it. This in turn in a concept map at it's very base level. This kind of design tool is very helpful. Anyone remember when stuff like this didn't even exist? Have fun explaining that information to someone without it ;-)


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