Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Graphic Tools and Dan Roam

The above link is a narration of seeing with our eyes closed by Dan Roam. In this presentation he talks about the SQVID tool in a matter of practical application. For example, he uses a scenario of being on a beach on a tropical island and running into a local with a local fruit in their hand. You try the fruit and then you want to thank the local but have no common language. So, he wants to share his favorite fruit (apple) with the local. So using the tool, he goes about describing this apple to the local.

This in turn is a great way to elaborate an idea with someone that is unfamiliar with it or for instance you are doing a presentation and want to define your idea using this tool. Now applying this to my blog in theory would be a little more difficult but as long as the presentation is within the parameters of the tool it will work. I am not fluent with blogging as it is not my forte but I am always willing to try to make things easier to understand and the layout more applicable.


  1. Hi Zach-
    Great post. I really liked the link you provided about SQVID. I am wondering if the textbook would have been more useful in a video format as it seems to make more sense to me watching Roam in action. He demonstrates very simple ideas but the way in which he does so makes so much more sense to me after watching the video.
    One point that he addresses which I found interesting is all this talk about “thinking outside the box”. Honestly, I did not choose graphic design as a major because I felt that I could not handle the pressure associated with being forced to be creative on a moment’s notice. As Roam mentions, the time to imagine and to be creative is often not when we are told to do so but when we sit back and relax and open our minds. Some people work well under pressure but I am not one of those people so I really appreciated his point about this.

    I also like how he uses the idea of showing an apple to a local on a tropical island but I did think that it was definitely too detailed for any local person to understand. For example, using the graph was a little strange. Does a local person know what an RDA is or the terms “A”, “C” etc. They may not. Either way, I realize he is just using it as an example to prove his point which was well-received by me. In fact, I may use this method to think of an idea for a new business

    Julie Mazza

  2. I really liked this example of the apple being used too. It's a simple breakdown and he explains it for practical use. It can honestly be used in many aspects of people's lives and I think that is why its so great. I mean we have all played Win, Lose or Draw and it's exactly this concept! It's amazing that this concept can be turned into a game, used for communication, translation and aid in business!
    As far as applying it to you post yeah that's kind of a tough one. Maybe using images as topics? Like use an image per paragraph to sum up the topic? Just a thought. Anyways, great post! Thanks!
    Kim Miller

  3. I also liked the example of the apple from The Back of the Napkin. It made me think of design, and symbols / objects, in general, from a whole new perspective. It is amazing how many ideas can stem from what seems like such a simple concept. I agree that the video you provided also helped Roam's concept to sink in more. It helped to listen and visualize. The SQVID tool for design is probably one of the most important things I learned about this class. A lot of beginning designers focus on the end of the design and forget how beneficial it is to spend so much time brainstorming and letting ideas stem and grow. The SQVID is an easy concept to understand but the benefits it can provide a designer in terms of creating new ideas or thinking about things from different perspectives is a great and complex tool. So glad to have learned about it now!
