Sunday, January 27, 2013

What is Being Human in the Digital Era?

What is being human in the digital era? 
That is an easy question to answer! We have skin and need water to survive and digital media does not. 

Man drinking water to re-hydrate.

Media device not taking in water.

Well if only it was that simple. Marshall McLuhan said "...Any understanding of social and cultural change is impossible without the knowledge of the way media work as environments. All media are extensions of some human faculty - psychic or physical." This is something that he was quoted in 1967. Is this still relative to the nature of today's media boom? In a way yes it is; it is very relevant. First we need to understand the psychological nature of media and how it affects us on a chemical level. Does this even happen? To an extent it does affect us. However, with that being said it doesn't physically change us. We, as a human being, are influence by things which are around us. The media itself is always around us. Whether the physical media such as a news report give us bad news about a company that we looked up was stealing our money or a tablet we use to find out that information is still the same in theory. Hearing bad news affects us on a chemical level as it changes our chemical balance of neurons to induce sadness. In this case absolutely it does affect us on a psychic level. McLuhan was correct then as much as he is now. The situation that we come across will determine how we are affected by it.

McLuhan says, "The medium is the message" by which he means it is how information is presented as opposed to what the message actually is. Keeping this relevant to today's digital age; we as humans are affected by all that we see and hear in this current world. We experience all of this via a plethora of mediums but at the same time we have gained a certain technological intelligence in which we choose how we display this message. By choosing how we get the message across we can affect the overall population on a much greater scale. What does this mean in regards to being human in a digital age? Since we are a part of this technological boom we ARE affected at physical level by all of this.  We help contribute to this advance in technology so much so that we are walking a fine line between staying a physical form to being a digital self. What I mean by this is that the more we "dial in" or "plug in" we start to lose our concept on what is common to reality because all we know is media. Being human in this age doesn't necessarily have to be like that. If we can maintain that break between those two versions of ourselves we can progress to a level that is unrivaled. We are all subject to the media around us but the trick is to know when to cut the cord to keep that distinction.

I found this very intriguing. You may as well.

Bill Buxton, Being human in a digital world.


  1. I find it interesting that you address the "two versions" idea that new media have created. People may think of this as their virtual self or their alter ego. On Facebook I could be Candy, long and leggy but Bridgette, short and brainy in the real world. I also used McLuhan's famous quote, as it becomes more and more relative. New media have us obsessing over our own image rather than true substance more than ever. I think that is part of being human in the digital age. New media has given us the chance to embody our ideal 'selves' as much as we can with out actually taking leave of our true selves.

    1. Essentially everyone has 2 versions of themselves nowadays. It is easier to be someone online then it is for them to be that person in real life. There is no confrontation to say otherwise and it is easier to defend yourself. Hopefully people still keep that individualism while new media grows.

  2. It's funny that you discussed the "two versions" of people because I said the exact same thing. People have the physical self and their "media" self. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog. I am still trying to grasp the concept of new media and you explained it to me so well through this post and in my introduction paragraph in the classroom. You cited, "McLuhan says, "The medium is the message" by which he means it is how information is presented as opposed to what the message actually is." That's a great interpretation! You tend to think outside of the box and I think that you personally, and your blogs will actually help me think outside of the box as well.

    1. I try to apply common sense to a lot of my arguments. You would be surprised at the amount of people that have scrapped common sense altogether. It is very upsetting and that is why people are so plugged in all the time.
