Sunday, March 23, 2014

If you are not stalking his videos yet...

So, I have been watching Toby Turner's videos for quite some time now. He has videos pertaining to video games as well as rants and even parody songs. The guy is hilarious and you should definitely check him out if you haven't. He does a great job of the use of Mobile and the ease of accessing his stuff on anything mobile. Check some out down below!!

DAFT PUNK "Get Lucky" Parody (Happy Wheels Song)

RAGE QUIT!! - Happy Wheels

RAGE QUIT!! - Happy Wheels

DAFT PUNK "Get Lucky" Parody (Happy Wheels Song with Subtitles)

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Embracing the Randomness

We all need a little something sometimes...


This was a video that I created with the help of editing of a fellow classmate. It is kind of awful but in my defense it was done in pretty much 1 take with some editing together. It is my view on ADHD. It's actually kind of funny. :-)

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Ethics Statement and Privacy Statement (...what's private anymore?)

Ethics in theory and ethics in reality can quite possibly be two very different but similar ideals. In theory we, in a technological world, would like everyone to get credit for everything they do or that is quoted or replicated. This sounds like it should be the right way to go about things and the proper way at that. Though that is not how it works. How it works is in reality, whoever claims something first wins regardless of who said it or did it first. Is this ethical? To me it is not. Our ethical rights are getting a bit out of hand so how do I go about giving credit where it is due? To be honest, citations from sources is the only way. How do you tell where a picture is from? If you grab a picture from the internet do you cite the website that you pulled it from? How do you know that the website isn't copying someone elses work or trying to take credit? You don't know for sure, so who am I to give credit to someone that could be stealing someone elses work? The best way to look at ethics is to see how much credit one gets for the work that is being publicized. If the popularity starts rising then give credit where credit is due. If it doesn't then credit on certain things would be okay. Just remember, someone out there in the world has already done what you are about to do. So why do you get to claim credit and they don't?

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